
Sunday, January 15, 2012

Letter to My Daughter

Hey you.. how you doing girl.. So your birthday is coming up. Wow its been 4 years already. Wanted to tell you a little story. A Long time ago in this little city called Atlanta there was this little boy. This little boy grew up to be a man. When he became a man he started his life so forth & so on.. But one day his entire world changed & do you know why? He had a baby girl. Oh she was the most adorable thing he had laid his eyes on. When he looked into that little girls eyes he knew that there was a GOD. You showed him he had what it took. He watched that little girl when she took her 1st steps... seemed like she was talking in no time lol. You know what that man asked GOD for. He asked GOD to give him the wisdom to raise his daughter to be a lady.. a woman of standard & distinction. To equip him with heart to show his daughter who she is, to know who she is & aid her in becoming a woman. So that when she enters into adulthood she wont enter empty & searching for something. I know your only 4.. but 1 day you'll understand.. Kaylyn Alexandre Route i love you with a love that only GOD can provide . And as i sit on my bed in tears right now hoping that i have been half the man & father that you love me for. You are the greatest part of me. I love you so much. I know daddy is gone a lot. But its because i need you to be proud of me. I need you more than fish need water. You are truely daddy's princess. I smile at your arrogance.. i love your sarcasm, i hate when you cry & your hugs make my hard life a day at the beach.. You are my heart living outside of my body. Happy Birthday Baby.. from your Daddy.

1 comment:

  1. This was a beautiful post carl it brought tears to my eyes, continue to be the man father and friend that you already know that your destin for sure greatness. I hope that you save this article for babygirl to re-read when she is older. Much love as always!!!!
