Play Doh.. Everyone in their life has either played with play doh or of course knows what the stuff is. Its that squishy stuff that comes in the plastic yellow container that kids across the globe love & adore. What very few people know is that in 1956, play doh was an all white material used to remove stains from wallpaper.
To the originators (Joe McVicker) dismay, the invention wasn’t a big hit in the home industry.
However Joe McVicker remembered that his sister in law was a school teacher. She had told him before that the molding clay used in her classrooms was rigid & hard for the kids to mold. He convinced her to ship her a container to her classroom, add color to it & see how it worked. It was an instant success & was introduced at a school convention & later sold in stores.
The moral of the story is this. We all have situations in our lives that seem to blow up in our faces as failures. We often continue to feed into those failure instead of looking at our failures & short comings as opportunities to improve our lifestyle, mind state & ultimately our future. Play Doh goes to show that we are all 1 minor adjustment away from reaching our full potential.